June starts and its another school year again, so before the school madness and the crazy busy days with work we succeeded the last summer with full force. SummEr fun's remarkable, am surely gOnna miss it! So much for the pIzzA's, cOrnettO's, icE crEams, skateboarding, cruisin, music jammin and thE lAagz (the joyride and hang outs), oh bOy! I'm gOnna mizz it...

I had so much fun with this guys and super love the nature... sOothing!
Simple things but I really do appreciate the beauty that God created and thanks Him for giving me such opportunity to see this scenic beauty and giving me chance to breath in fresh air and to live to the fullest for a while.
I am glad that I had so much thing thAt had dOne this summer and now, bAck to busy dAys wOrkin...

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